Configuring Hadoop and Starting Cluster services using Automation
We all always heard of Configuring Hadoop manually in a very typical and lengthy way by going to the different nodes separately but have you ever heard of configuring it without going to nodes.
Yes…In this Article we are going to configure it through Ansible tool with complete end to end Automation.
So lets begin ..
♦ Firstly we have to add the Ip address of managed nodes in Inventory file

Now as Inventory file is ready, we have to start writing code for Namenode first.
💻Namenode Configuration
♦ Playbook to Configure Namenode

Now this code is ready to be executed, so lets just run the playbook to get desired environment.
♦ Running Playbook to setup Namenode

We run the playbook successfully …further we can go to Namenode manually and check whether we got desired setup through automation or not.
♦ Verify manually

We can see that softwares are transferred successfully and also services are running very fine.
💻Datanode Configuration
♦Playbook to configure Datanode

Now this code is ready to be executed, so lets just run the playbook to get desired environment.
♦Running playbook to setup Datanode

We run the playbook successfully …further we can go to Datanode manually and check whether we got desired setup through automation or not.
♦ Verify manually

From this above picture we can verify that Datanode services are also running very fine .
And also if we are inquisitive to know about which node is giving storage to Cluster and how much of storage is it contributing to the Cluster, we have to run this command ☟
#hadoop dfsadmin -report
From above picture we can conclude Configured capacity of cluster = 6641680384 (6.19 gb)
This is how we configured this whole cluster.